
This website is here to soothe your mind and soul. It is an armchair in which to relax. It provides order and clarity to your life as you search for happiness or spiritual wellness. This spiritual wellness is everyday happiness as well as eternal happiness.

All of us need to consider the accumulated wisdom from previous generations, as well as the wisdom from the current generation, to find the right road to happiness. I have sifted through this wisdom to determine that there is only one road to happiness. This one road unifies all the great teachings on happiness as well as the great artworks from the world of the fine arts.

This book will:

1) Clarify the steps you need to take in your life

2) Provide the confidence you need as you search for spirituality or your purpose in life

3) Help you connect or reconnect with you religious faith (focus on Christianity, but other faiths discussed)

4) Soothe your mind and soul knowing that you are not alone in your quest to find happiness

This book presents a road that unifies the teachings of the great thinkers (see Unified Theory of Happiness tab on menu bar above). This Unified Theory of Happiness does not include every psychologist, philosopher, mythologist, theologian, or Bible passage; however, it does include the truly great ones. Such a unified theory is great comfort that the road you are following is indeed the correct road.

This is a supercharged book. You will view great paintings and read inspiring poetry to then be directed to the viewing of classical music and ballet selections. These works and performances add additional clarity to the teachings and inspire you forward.

In fact, you could say that this book is similar to a college course: Humanities 101. You will be introduced to psychology, philosophy, mythology, religion, The Bible, paintings, poetry, classical music, and ballet. The best of these worlds will be arranged to highlight an easy to follow contemporary road to your happiness.

A soothing and calming experience awaits you. You will learn much about yourself and the road that you and many others must consider. The ebook is full of truth and beauty and it only costs $6.99. The paperback book has 225 pages of the same truth and beauty and costs only $11.99. The ebook is less expensive, available immediately, and has color images. The paperback is slightly more expensive, mailed, and has only black and white images; however, it is a traditional, well-crafted book.

Please consider purchasing this book (no Kindle device required for ebook). I assure you that you will get back much more in new knowledge, inspiration, and a serene and ordered mind in which to live your life going forward.

To purchase the book, please Click Here.



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